A large number of students receive financial support from the university every semester. There are merit scholarships, tuition fee waiver on academic performance, freedom fighter’s waiver, BOT members’ and VC’s special waivers for the deserving students. Tuition fee waiver ranges from 10 to 100 percent of tuition fees depending on the academic achievements. During Fall 2018, a total 1,737 students received different categories of financial support on grounds of merit and disadvantaged social and economic circumstances. UAP gave an amount of Taka 3.2 crore to the students as financial support in Fall 2018 – which is 9 percent of the tuition income – much higher than the government mandated 6 percent. During Spring 2019, financial support volume on grounds of merit and disadvantage was even bigger to cover larger number of beneficiaries. UAP gave an amount of Tk 3.46 crore to over 2,000 students as financial support in Spring 2019 – which comes to 9.4 percent of the tuition income – again, much higher than the government mandated 6 percent. UAP promises to maintain similar supports for deserving students in each semester and will increase the volume of support every coming semester.
Entry Level Waiver for Undergraduate Program (Only for 1st Semester)
Merit Waiver (based on semester result)
VC's special tuition fee waiver 10%-100% tuition fee waiver for poor but meritorious students (Based on performance at UAP) (a warded and approved by the Vice Chancellor).
Other Possibilities In special cases BOT Members personally offer full or partial financial assistances for UAP students.
General Criteria for semester based tuition fee waiver
(including Vice Chancellor‘s Special Tuition fee waiver and Freedom Fighters Quota waiver)