Every semester, this club organizes different seminars and workshops to help the students prepare themselves for the future professional life which they are going to choose. The CDC-CSE invites expertise from different industries to share their on-hand knowledge in a real professional environment with our undergraduate and graduate students. The CDC-CSE supervises the students to build a strong network with alumni, different industries to collaborate with the other universities, academic departments, colleges, representatives, and relevant organizations in activities designed to further the aims of the service.
• To help undergraduate, graduate students and alumni of the university to make well-informed choices about their future working lives and to translate these effectively into appropriate decisions and actions.
• To maintain and develop links with the range of organizations providing appropriate opportunities for graduates, including further internship.
• To provide students with guidelines to plan for better careers.
• To introduce students with different sectors and job fields all around the globe.
• To guide students through their interests and make them ready for any job environment.
• Provide necessary scopes to develop and evaluate oneself based on current market standard.
• To help the University of Asia Pacific to achieve its mission.