Book Chapter
1. Md Shopon, ASM Hossain Bari, Yajurv Bhatia, Pavan Karkekoppa Narayanaswamy, Sanjida Nasreen Tumpa, Brandon Sieu, and Marina Gavrilova, ”Biometric System De-Identification: Concepts, Applications, and Open Problems”, Handbook of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, Springer Nature, 2021
1. Biswas, M., Islam, R., Shom, G. K., Shopon, M., Mohammed, N., Momen, S., & Abedin, A. (2017). Banglalekhaisolated: a multi-purpose comprehensive dataset of handwritten Bangla isolated characters. Data in brief, 12, 103–107.
2. Md Shopon, ASM Hossain Bari, and Marina Gavrilova, ”Residual Connection Based Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Gait Recognition”, The Visual Computer Journal, 2021.
Conference Papers
1. Shopon, M., Mohammed, N., & Abedin, M. A. (2016). Bangla handwritten digit recognition using autoencoder and deep convolutional neural network. In Computational intelligence (iwci), international workshop on (pp. 64–68). IEEE.
2. Shopon, M., Mohammed, N., & Abedin, M. A. (2017). Image augmentation by blocky artifact in deep convolutional neural network for handwritten digit recognition. In Imaging, vision & pattern recognition (icivpr), 2017 ieee international conference on (pp. 1–6). IEEE.
3. Shopon, M., Adnan, M. A., & Mridha, M. F. (2016). Krill herd based clustering algorithm for wireless sensor networks. In Computational intelligence (iwci), international workshop on (pp. 96–100). IEEE.
4. Mahmud, A., Akhtaruzzaman, A., & Shopon, M. (n.d.). An incremental clustered gradient method for wireless sensor networks. In 21st Saudi Computer Society National Computer Conference. IEEE
5. Ahmed, S., Islam, M., Hassan, J., Ahmed, M. U., Ferdosi, B. J., Saha, S., & Shopon, M. (2019). Hand Sign to Bangla Speech: A Deep Learning in Vision based system for Recognizing Hand Sign Digits and Generating Bangla Speech. 2019 International Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology & Management (SUSCOM-2019).
6. Shopon, M., Diput,N.H., & Mohammed, N. (2019). End to End Optical Character Recognition Using Sythetic Dataset Generator For Noisy Conditions. In International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, IJCCI 2019.
7. Nishat,Z.K. & Shopon, M. (2019). Unsupervised Pretraining and Transfer Learning Based Bangla Sign Language Recognition. In International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, IJCCI 2019.
8. Nishat,Z.K. & Shopon, M. (2019). Synthetic Class Specific Bangla Handwritten Character Generation Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks. In International Conference on Bangla Speech and Language Processing, ICBSLP 2019.
9. Shopon, M, Bidirectional LSTM with Attention Mechanismfor Automatic Bangla News Categorization In Terms of News Captions, in INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS AND INTELLIGENT COMPUTING(ESIC2020), Springer
10. Karim.A, Razin,J, Ahmed,N. Shopon, M. Alam.T (2020). Automatic Violence Detection Method Using Convolution Neural Network. In International Conference On Sentimental Analysis And Deep Learning (ICSADL 2020)
11. Sani, S.H,Shopon, M. Khan. M.H, Hasan, and Mridha, M.F, Short-term and Long-term Air Quality Forecasting Technique Using Stacked LSTM, 6th International Conference on Communication and Information processing
12. Sani, S.H,Shopon, M. Khan. M.H, Hasan, and Mridha, M.F, Air Quality Index Prediction Using Azure IoT & Machine Learning For Smart Cities, International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Data Science and Cloud Computing 2020
13. Shahin.M, Ahmed.T, Rahman.S, Shopon.M, Classification of Bangla News Articles Using Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory, IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP) 2020
14. Md Shopon, Svetlana Yanushkevich, Yingxu Wang and Marina Gavrilova, ”A Graph Convolutional Neural Network for Reliable Gait-Based Human Recognition”, The IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Systems (IEEE ICAS 2021).