Dr. Muhammad Towfiqur Rahman
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Asia Pacific
Full Name
Academic Qualification
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (Visible Light Communication)
Department of Electrical and Computer System Engineering (ECSE),
School of Engineering, Monash University, Australia.
Master of Science in Communication Engineering (By Research),
Department of Electrical and Computer engineering (ECE)
Faculty of Engineering, International Islamic University, Malaysia (IIUM)
Master of Business Administration,
Department of Business Administration
International Islamic University, Chittagong (IIUC)
Bachelor in Computer Science and Engineering,
Department of CSE, International Islamic University, Chittagong, Bangladesh (IIUC).
Course Conducted
MCS 6010 Advanced Topics in Computer Networks
MCSE 6007 Advanced Topics in Data Communications
MCS 6008 Information System Project Management
MCSE 6000 Thesis MCSE
CSE 101 Introduction to Computer Science & Programming Methodology
CSE 102 Lab. Introduction to Computer Sc. & Programming Methodology
CST 103 Fundamentals of Computer Science and Information Technology
CSE 206 Data Structures Lab
CSE 208 Algorithms Lab
CSE 209 Digital Logic & System Design
CSE 210 Digital Logic & System Design Lab
CSE 303 Data Communications
CSE 304 Data Communications Lab
BUS 401 Business and Entrepreneurship
BUS 402 Lab: Business and Entrepreneurship
CSE 400 Thesis/Project