Dr. Md. Abdul Hamid
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Asia Pacific
Full Name
Academic Qualification
Ph.D. (Computer Engineering), Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea
MSc. (Computer Engineering), Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea
B.Sc. (Computer & Information Engineering), International Islamic University Malaysia
Course Conducted
CSE 335: Digital System Design (Spring 2018)
CSE 333: Microprocessors (Spring 2018)
Thesis Title: A Robust Security Scheme for Wireless Mesh Enterprise Networks
Supervisor’s Name: Prof. Choong Seon Hong, Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea (2009).
1. Associate Professor, (Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering), University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 1, 2017 – Present
2. Associate Professor, (Dept. of Computer Science), AIUB, January 13, 2016 – October 31, 2017 (1 year 10 Months)
3. Assistant Professor, (Dept. of Computer Engineering), Taibah University, Madinah, Saudi Arabia, June 23, 2013 –January 7, 2016 (2 years 6 Months)
4. Assistant Professor & Chairman, (Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering), Green University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, September 1, 2012 – May 31, 2013 (9 Months)
5. Assistant Professor, (Dept. of Information & Communications Engineering), Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea, September 1, 2009 - August 31, 2012 (3 Years)
6. Lecturer, (Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering), Asian University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, April 21, 2002 - August 31, 2004 (2 Years 4 Months)
Wireless Communications and Networking Protocols
Network Security
Cryptographic Key Distribution
QoS, Reliability, Fairness, MAC protocols in Wi-Fi networks, WSN, WMN, MANET
Cognitive Radio Networking
Body Sensor Network
International Peer Reviewed Journals
- M. F. Mridha, M. Al Imran, M. A. H. Wadud and M. A. Hamid, "An Improved User Anonymous Secure Authentication Protocol for Healthcare System Using Wireless Medical Sensor Network," International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, University of Bahrain journal, pp. 1-12, 2020,Link
- A.Q. Ohi, M.F. Mridha, F.B. Safir, M.A. Hamid, M.M. Monowar., "AutoEmbedder: A semi-supervised DNN embedding system for clustering," Knowledge-Based Systems (2020), 106190, Link
- Rakib Ul Haque, M.F.Mridha, Md.Abdul Hamid, M.Abdullah-Al-Wadud and Md. Saiful Islam, "Bengali Stop Word and Phrase Detection Mechanism," Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer Nature, doi: (Published online 14 February, 2020) link
- Mridha, M. F., Md Abdul Hamid, Shaon Hossain Sani, Akramkhan Rony, Seungmin Oh, and Jinsul Kim. "Evaluate and Predict Concentration of Particulate Matter (PM10) Using Machine Learning Approach." The Journal of Contents Computing 1, no. 1 (2019): 11-23. Doi:link
- Md. Shahadat Hossain, Md. Abdul Hamid, A. F. M. Saifuddin Saif “An Algorithm to Find Out Risk Free Share to Invest in Stock Market”, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V53(1),19-22 November 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group, 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V53P205 Link
- M. A. Hamid, M. A.Wadud, , M. M. Hassan, A. Almogren, A. Alamri, A. R. M. Kamal and M. M. Rashid “A Key Distribution Scheme for Secure Communcation in Acoustic Sensor Networks” Future Generation Computer Systems (2017), Elsevier B.V., http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2017.07.025. (SCI) Link
- Anik Islam, Arifa Akter, M. A. Hamid, “HitBand: A Prefetching Model to Increase Hit Rate and Reduce Bandwidth Consumption,” I.J. Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2017, 1, pp.36-46, Published Online January 2017 in MECS (http://www.mecs-press.org/), DOI: 10.5815/ijieeb.2017.01.05 Link
- Abdullah Al-Tariq, Abu Raihan M. Kamal, M. A. Hamid, M. Abdullah-Al-Wadud, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan and SK Md. Mizanur Rahman, “A Scalable Framework for Protecting User Identity and Access Pattern in Untrusted Web Server using Forward Secrecy, Public Key Encryption and Bloom Filter,” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Published online in Wiley Online Library, DOI: 10.1002/cpe.3863, 2016. Online ISSN: 1532-0634. (SCI) Link
- Abu Raihan M. Kamal, M. A. Hamid, “Supervisory Routing Control for Dynamic Load Balancing in Low Data Rate Wireless Sensor Networks,” Wireless Networks: The Journal of Mobile Communication, Computation and Information (Published online 01 February 2016), Springer US, Vol. 23, Issue 4, DOI 10.1007/s11276-016-1209-z, pp 1085-1099. ISSN: 1022-0038, 2017 (SCI) Link
- M. M. Hassan, M. A. Wadud, Ahmad Almogren, SK Md. Mizanur Rahman, Abdulhameed Alelaiwi, Atif Alamri and M. A. Hamid “QoS and Trust-aware Coalition Formation Game in Data-intensive Cloud Federations,” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. Published online: 19 MAY 2015, DOI: 10.1002/cpe.3543, 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Provider: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cpe.3543, ISSN: 1532-0634 (SCI) Link
- M. M. Monowar, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan, Fuad Bajaber, M. A. Hamid and Atif Alamri, “Thermal-Aware Multiconstrained Intrabody QoS Routing for Wireless Body Area Networks,” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 2014, Article ID 676312, 14 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/676312, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, ISSN: 1550-1329 (Print) ISSN: 1550-1477 (Online), Published 16 March 2014. (SCIE) Link
- M. Abdullah-Al-Wadud and M. A. Hamid, “A fault-tolerant structural health monitoring protocol using wireless sensor networks,” Annals of Telecommunications, April 2014, Volume 69, Issue 3-4, pp 219-228 (Published online 23 October 2012). ISSN: 0003-4347 (Print) 1958-9395 (Online) (SCI) Link
- Abu Raihan M. Kamal and M. A. Hamid, “Reliable data approximation in wireless sensor network,” Ad Hoc Networks, 11(8):2470-2483 (2013), Available online 5 July 2013, ISSN: 1570-8705. (SCI) Link
- S. M. Kamruzzaman, M. A. Hamid and A. M. Jehad Sarkar “ERANN: An Algorithm to Extract Symbolic Rules from Trained Artificial Neural Networks,” IETE Journal of Research, Vol. 58, Issue 2, pp.138-154, March-April 2012, ISSN: 0377-2063 (Print), 0974-780X (Online) (SCIE) Link
- M. A. Hamid and A. M. Jehad Sarkar, “A Group-based Security Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks,” Annals of Telecommunications, vol. 67, Issue 9 (2012), pp.455-469 (SCI) Link
- S. M. Kamruzzaman and M. A. Hamid “An Energy Efficient Multichannel MAC Protocol for QoS Provisioning in MANETs” KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol. 5, no. 4, April 2011, pp. 684-702, eISSN: 1976-7277 (SCIE) Link
- S. M. Kamruzzaman, M. A. Hamid, and M. Abdullah-Al-Wadud “An energy efficient MAC protocol for QoS provisioning in cognitive radio ad hoc networks,” Radioengineering, vol. 19, no. 4, Dec. 2010 (SCIE) Link
- M. A. Hamid, M. Abdullah-Al-Wadud, and I. Chong, “A Schedule-based Multi-channel MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks,” Sensors 2010, 10, pp. 9466-9480, October 21, 2010, ISSN 1424-8220 (SCIE) Link
- M. M. Alam, M. S. Islam, M. A. Hamid, C. S. Hong, and Sungwon Lee, “Congestion-aware Fair Rate Control in Wireless Mesh Networks,” Annals of Telecommunications, Vol 66, No 5-6, pp275-291, DOI 10.1007/s12243-010-0199-6(published online on Sep. 2010), 0003-4347 (Print) 1958-9395 (Online) (SCI) Link
- M. A. Hamid, “Provisioning Fairness for Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks,” IETE Technical Review Vol. 27, Issue 4, July-August 2010, ISSN 0256-4602 (Print), 0974-5971 (Online) (SCIE) Link
- M. A. Hamid, M. M. Alam, M. S. Islam, C. S. Hong, and Sungwon Lee, “Fair Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks: Analysis and Protocol,” Annals of Telecommunications, Vol.65, No.7-8, pp.433-446, August 2010, 0003-4347 (Print) 1958-9395 (Online) (SCI) Link
- Md. Mamun-Or-Rashid, M. M. Alam, M. A. Hamid, and C. S. Hong, “Flow Rank Based Probabilistic Fair Scheduling for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks”, ACM/Springer Wireless Networks, Vol. 16, No. 3, 713-729, April 2010, 1022-0038 (Print) 1572-8196 (Online). (SCI) Link
- M. S. Islam, M. M. Alam, M. A. Hamid, C. S. Hong, and Sungwon Lee, “EFT: a high throughput routing metric for IEEE 802.11s wireless mesh networks”, Annals of Telecommunications, Vol.65, No.5-6, pp.247-262, June 2010. (SCI) Link
- M. S. Islam, M. A. Hamid and C. S. Hong, “SHWMP: A Secure Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol for IEEE 802.11s Wireless Mesh Networks,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Transaction on Computational Science VI), Vol.5730, pp.95-114, December 2009. Link
- M. A. Hamid, and C. S. Hong, “Energy Conserving Security Mechanisms for Wireless Sensor Networks,” Annals of Telecommunications, 64(11-12): 723-734 (December, 2009). (SCI) Link
- M. A. Hamid, M. A. Wadud, C. S. Hong, O. Chae and S. Lee, “A robust security scheme for wireless mesh enterprise networks,” Annals of Telecommunications, 64(5-6): 401-413 (June, 2009). (SCI) Link
- M. M. Alam, M. A. Hamid, M. A. Razzaque and C. S. Hong, “Fair Scheduling and Throughput Maximization for IEEE 802.16 Mesh Mode Broadband Wireless Access Networks,” IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications Vol.E93-B No.6 pp.1459-1474, June 2010, ISSN 1745-1345 (SCI) Link
- M. A. Hamid, M. M. Rahman and C. S. Hong, “Energy Conserving Security Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Network,” Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Vol. 3981, pp.866-875, May 2006, ISBN 978-3-540-34074-4. (SCIE) Link
International Peer Reviewed Conference Proceeding
- R. U. Haque, M. F. Mridha, A. K. Saha, M. A. Hamid and K. Nur, "Identification of Extreme Guilt and Grave Fault in Bengali Language," ICCA 2020: International Conference on Computing Advancements, January 2020, AIUB, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 1-5, Link
- Md. Naimur Rahman, Rownak Kabir, Md. Abdul Hamid and M. F. Mridha, "IDPchain: Blockchain Based International Driving Permit and Traffic Crime Reporting System," 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES IN DATA MINING AND INFORMATION SECURITY (IEMIS 2020), Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata, West Bengal. India, 2nd and 4th July, 2020
- Md. Naimur Rahman, Rownak Kabir, Md. Abdul Hamid and M. F. Mridha, "DxChain: Blockchain Based Smart and Indestructible Diagnosis Reporting System," International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communication (ICICC-2020),21-23rd February, 2020, University of valladolid, Spain. Link
- Shaon Hossain Sani, Akramkhan Rony, Fyruz Ibnat Karim, M. F. Mridha and Md. Abdul Hamid, "Evaluate And Predict Concentration of Particulate Matter(PM2.5) Using Machine Learning Approach," International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communication (ICICC-2020), 21-23rd February, 2020, University of valladolid, Spain. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-5148-2_67
- N. Jahan, R. U. Haque, A. K. Saha, M. F. Mridha and M. A. Hamid, "Identification of Expectancy, Proximity, and Compatibility of the Bengali Language," 2019 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) and IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC), New York, NY, USA, 2019, pp. 349-354, doi: 10.1109/CSE/EUC.2019.00073.
- M. I. Mamun, A. Rahman, A. Khaleque, M. F. Mridha, M. A. Hamid, "Healthcare Monitoring System Inside Self-driving Smart Car in 5G Cellular Network", IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN'19, 22-25 July 2019, Helsinki-Espoo, Finland, pp.1515-1520, doi=10.1109/INDIN41052.2019.8972144
- M. I. Mamun, A. Rahman, A. Khaleque, M. A. Hamid, M. F. Mridha, "AutiLife: A Healthcare Monitoring System for Autism Center in 5G Cellular Network using Machine Learning Approach", IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN'19, 22-25 July 2019, Helsinki-Espoo, Finland. pp.1501-1506, doi=10.1109/INDIN41052.2019.8972179
- M. F. Mridha, M. A. Hamid, M. M. Rana, M. E. A. Khan, M. M. Ahmed and M. T. Sultan, "Semantic Error Detection and Correction in Bangla Sentence" 8th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV), May 30- June 2, 2019, Eastern Washington University, Washington, USA. (IEEE), pp. 184-189. doi=10.1109/ICIEV.2019.8858522
- Rakib Ul Haque, Parisa Mehera, M. F. Mridha and M. A. Hamid, "Bengali Stop Phrase Detection Mechanism using Corpus Based Method" 8th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV), May 30- June 2, 2019, Eastern Washington University, Washington, USA. (IEEE), pp. 178-183. doi=10.1109/ICIEV.2019.8858583
- Rakib Ul Haque, Parisa Mehera, M. F. Mridha and M. A. Hamid, "A Complete Bengali Stop Word Detection Mechanism" 8th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV), May 30 - June 2, 2019, Eastern Washington University, Washington, USA. (IEEE), pp. 103-107. doi=10.1109/ICIEV.2019.8858544
- Hasan R., Chakraborti S., Zonieed Hossain M., Ahamed T., Abdul Hamid M., Mridha M.F. (2020) Character and Mesh Optimization of Modern 3D Video Games. In: Kolhe M., Tiwari S., Trivedi M., Mishra K. (eds) Advances in Data and Information Sciences. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 94. Springer, Singapore,January 2020. DOI=Link
- Akter M., Dip G.D., Mira M.S., Abdul Hamid M., Mridha M.F. (2020) Construing Attacks of Internet of Things (IoT) and A Prehensile Intrusion Detection System for Anomaly Detection Using Deep Learning Approach. In: Khanna A., Gupta D., Bhattacharyya S., Snasel V., Platos J., Hassanien A. (eds) International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1059. Springer, Singapore, November 2019, DOI= Link
- M. F. Hossan, M. F Mridha and M. A. Hamid, " Find Better Accuracy for Breast Cancer Detection Using Neural Network" International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communication (ICICC-2019), Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic on 21-22nd March, 2019. (Springer) (Accepted)
- M. F. Mridha, M. M. Rana, M. A. Hamid, M. E. A. Khan, M. M. Ahmed and M. T. Sultan," An Approach for Detection and Correction of Missing Word in Bengali Sentence" 2019 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), 7-9 February, 2019, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. (IEEE)
- M. F. Mridha, M. A. Hamid and M. Asaduzzaman," Issues of Internet of Things (IoT) and an Intrusion Detection System for IoT Using Machine Learning Paradigm" International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2018), 14-15 December 2018, Dhaka. Bangladesh. (Springer)
- Md. Mashod Rana, Md. Eyaseen Arafat Khan, M. F. Mridha, Mohammad Tipu Sultan, Md. Masud Ahmed and M. A. Hamid," Detection and Correction of Real-word Errors in Bangla Language" International Conference on Bangla Speech and Language Processing(ICBSLP), 21-22 September, 2018, Bangladesh. (IEEE)
- A. R. Chowdhury, J. Mahmud, A. R. M. Kamal and M. A. Hamid, "MAES: Modified Advanced Encryption Standard for Resource Constraint Environments," 2018 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (IEEE SAS 2018), March 12-14, Koreana Hotel, Seoul, Korea.
- M. Tanzim Saqib, M. A. Hamid, “FogR: A Highly Reliable and Intelligent Computation Offloading on the Internet of Things,” To appear in IEEE TENCON 2016 — Technologies for Smart Nation, 22 Nov - 25 Nov 2016, Marina Bay Sands Singapore.
- M. A. Hamid, M. Abdullah-Al-Wadud and M. M. Alam, “A cluster-based MAC protocol in Hierarchical wireless sensor network for efficient data collection,” in Proc. of the 8th International conference on Computer engineering and applications (CEA '14), Recent Advances in Computer Engineering, Communications and Information Technology, pp. 132-137, January 10-12, 2014, Tenerife, Spain. (ISBN 978-960-474-361-2).
- M. A. Hamid, M. Abdullah-Al-Wadud and M. M. Alam, “A Reliable Structural Health Monitoring Protocol using Wireless Sensor Networks,” in Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT 2011), December 22-24, American International University-Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- M. A. Hamid, M. Abdullah-Al-Wadud, and I. Chong, “Multi-channel MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Schedule-based Approach,” in Proc. of the 25th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN) 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, January 26-28, 2011.
- M. A. Hamid, M. M. Alam, M. S. Islam, and C. S. Hong, “Enforcing fairness for data collection in wireless sensor networks,” The 8th Conference on Communications Networks and Services Research (CNSR2010) May 11- 14, 2010, Montreal, Canada.
- M. S. Islam, M. M. Alam, M. A. Hamid, C. S. Hong, “High throughput path selection for IEEE 802.11s based Wireless Mesh Networks”, ACM ICUIMC 2010, pp. 451-458, Suwon, Korea, January 14-15, 2010
- M. A. Hamid, M. M. Alam and C. S. Hong, “Design of a QoS-aware Routing Mechanism for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks,” IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM 2008), November 30 - December 4, 2008, New Orleans, LA, USA.
- M. S. Islam, M. A. Hamid, B. G. Choi and C. S. Hong, “Securing Layer-2 Path Selection in Wireless Mesh Networks," Proceeding of Workshop on Information Security Applications (WISA2008), September 23-25, 2008.
- M. S. Islam, Y. J. Yoon, M. A. Hamid and C. S. Hong, “A Secure Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol for 802.11s Mesh Network,” Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 5072, pp. 972-985, June 30-July 3 2008.
- M. A. Hamid, M. S. Islam and C. S. Hong, “Developing Security Solutions for Wireless Mesh Enterprise Networks,” Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (IEEE WCNC 2008), March 31-April 3 2008.
- M. A. Hamid, M. S. Islam, and C. S. Hong, “Misbehavior Detection in Wireless Mesh Networks,” Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies (ICACT'08), Phoenix Park, Korea, pp. 1167-1169, February 17-20, 2008.
- M. S. Islam, M. A. Hamid, C. S. Hong and B. Chang, “Preserving Identity Privacy in Wireless Mesh Networks,” in IEEE International Conference on Information and Networking (ICOIN 2008), Jan. 2008, Busan, Korea.
- M. A. Hamid, M. M. Rahman, Y. J. Yoon, and C. S. Hong, “Developing a Group-based Security Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks,” in IEEE global communications conference (IEEE GLOBECOM), November 26-30, 2007, Washington DC, USA.
- M. A. Hamid, M. M. Alam and C. S. Hong, “Developing a Security Protocol based on LCG and Orthogonal Matrices for Wireless Sensor Networks,” Proceedings of 9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies (ICACT'07), Vol. I, Phoenix Park, Korea, pp. 1511-1514, February 12-14, 2007.
- M. A. Hamid and C. S. Hong, “A Secure Message Percolation Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN), Estoril, Portugal, 23-25 January 2007 (Information Networking. Towards Ubiquitous Networking and Services, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 5200, pp. 554-563, 2008.)
- M. A. Hamid, M. M. Rashid and C. S. Hong, “Defense Against Lap-top Class Attacker in Wireless Sensor Network,” Proceedings of 8th IEEE International conference on advanced computing technologies (IEEE ICACT'06), Volume I, pp.314-318, Phoenix Park, Korea, 20-22 February 2006.
- M. M. Alam, M. A. Hamid and C. S. Hong, “QoS Aware Fair Scheduling in Multihop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” Proceedings of 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies (ICACT'06), Vol. II, pp. 996-1000, Phoenix Park, Korea, February 20-22, 2006.
- M. A. Hamid, M. M. Rashid and C. S. Hong, “Routing Security in Sensor Network: HELLO Flood Attack and Defense,” Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Next-generation Wireless Systems (ICNEWS'06), pp.77-81, Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 2-4, 2006.
Domestic Journal
- M. A. Hamid and C. S. Hong, “On the Security of Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks,” The Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea -TC, Vol. 44, No. 8, pp. 769-778, August 2007.
Domestic conferences
- M. A. Hamid and C. S. Hong, “Hyper-encryption Scheme for Data Confidentiality in Wireless Broadband (WiBro) Networks,” Proceedings of the 27th KIPS (Korea Information Processing Society) Spring Conference, 11-12 May 2007, Korea.
- M. S. Islam, M. A. Hamid and C. S. Hong, “A Privacy-Preserving Authentication Mechanism for Wireless Mesh Network,” Korea Computer Congress (KCS 2007) Vol.34, No.2 (D), pp. 349-353, 2007.
International Patent
- C. S. Hong, M. M. Rahman, M. A. Hamid and J. H. Kim, “Method For Controlling Access of Communication Medium According to MAC Protocol of IEEE 802.11”, PCT/KR2008/004461, Korean Intellectual Property Office, University-Industry Cooperation Group of Kyung-Hee University et al., Pub. No. US 2011/0128846 A1, Pub. Date June 2, 2011.
Book Chapters
- M. A. Hamid, Abu Raihan M. Kamal and M. M. Alam, “Multi-channel multi-path enabled QoS-aware Routing for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks,” Wireless Sensor Multimedia Networks (WSMNs): Architectures, Protocols and Applications, 1st Edition, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA, October 27, 2015, ISBN 9781482253115 - CAT# K23903 [Link]
- M. A. Hamid and M Abdullah-Al-Wadud, “Schedule-based Multi-channel MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks,” Building Next-Generation Converged Networks: Theory and Practice, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA, January 29, 2013, ISBN 9781466507616 - CAT# K14679. [Link]
- M. A. Hamid and M. S. Islam “Misbehavior Detection in Wireless Mesh Networks,” Security of Self-Organizing Networks: MANET, WSN, WMN, VANET, Auerbach Publications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA, October 14, 2010, ISBN 9781439819197 - CAT# K11012 [Link]