1. January, 2025: ‘Integrating Homomorphic Encryption with Blockchain Technology for Machine Learning Applications’, Journal of Machine and Computing (JMC). Issue: January, 2025,, Published, [Elsevier and Scopus indexed Journal]. 1st Author.
2. April, 2024: ‘Design and Evolution of MAC Algorithm based Strategy to mitigate Black Hole Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks’, Published in Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT). [Elsevier and Scopus indexed Journal]. 1st Author.
3. October, 2024: ‘Integrating IoMT and Blockchain in Smart Healthcare: Challenges and Solutions’, Journal of Machine and Computing, Vol-04, Issue-04, October, 2024,[Scopus Indexed], Published. 1st Author.
4. March, 2024: ‘Fortifying Financial Fortresses: A Comprehensive Guide to Cybersecurity in Indian Banking System’, Published in Journal of Applied Optics., [Elsevier and Scopus indexed Journal]. 1st Author.
5. August, 2023: ‘Design and Analysis of an Efficient and Load-Balanced Multipath Routing Algorithm for Energy Effective Wireless Sensor Networks’, Published in International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications In Engineering (IJISAE), Vol-11, No-10s, pp:601-617, August, 2023. [Elsevier and Scopus indexed Journal]. 1st Author.
6. June, 2023: ‘A Full Scale Analysis on Challenges and Issues of Next Generation (5G) Communication in Heterogeneous Wireless Network Based Enterprise Applications’, Published in Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT), Vol-101, No-11, June, 2023. [Elsevier and Scopus indexed Journal]. 1st Author.
7. August, 2021: ‘A Cognitive Research Tendency in Data Management of Sensor Network’. International Journal of Wireless and Ad Hoc Communication, Vol. 3 , No. 1 , pp. 26-36 , 2021,, (Doi:[Google Scholar Indexed Journal, Published], 1st Author.
8. October, 2019: ‘Empirical Study on Big Data Analysis for Supply Chain Management’, International Series on Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (INSIST), Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Lampung, Indonesia; Vol-4, No-2, PP: 236-239, [Indexed in Google Scholar, DOAJ], 1st Author.
9. August, 2013: ‘Proposed Methods of IP Spoofing Detection & Prevention’, International Journal of Science & Research (IJSR), India, Volume-2, Issue-8, PP: 438-444,[Indexed in Google Scholar, Research Gate, Publons], 2nd Author.
10. November, 2013:‘Security Engineering towards building Secure Software’, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), USA. Volume-81, No: 06, Doi: 10.5120/14017-2170,Google Scholar Peer Reviewed Journal. [Indexed in Web of Science, Google Scholar], 2nd Author.
11. September, 2013:‘Analysis & Evaluation of Government-Websites’ Accessibility: Bangladesh Perspective’, American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER), USA, Volume-2, Issue-9, PP: 276-281, [Indexed in Google Scholar]. 1st Author.
12. February, 2024: ‘A Thorough Analysis and Interpretation on Issues and Challenges of Gender Binary: India Perspective’, International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education (IJARIIE), Volume-10, Issue-1, PP: 1277-1286, [Indexed in Google Scholar], 2nd Author.
13. February, 2024: ‘Tinder Swindler’s Web: ‘A Test Case Study and Security Analysis of Online Dating App.’, International Journal of Research Culture Society (IJRCS), Vol-8, Issue-2, PP: 143-147,, [UGC (India) Care Listed and Google Scholar Indexed]. 1st Author.
Conference Proceedings
14. January, 2025: ‘E-Financial Sentinel: Navigating India's Digital Transaction Landscape’, IEEE International Conference on Advancing Technology for Sustainable Development DELCON-2024, IEEE Delhi Section, Published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, January, 2025., DOI: 10.1109/DELCON64804.2024.10866177 [Scopus Indexed, Presented and Published], 1st Author.
15. March, 2025: ‘System Design and Analysis for Machine Learning Models Using Continuous Integration and Development (CI/CD)’, 6th Doctoral Symposium on Computational Intelligence (DoSCI-2025), [Springer Nature Lecture Note, Accepted, Scopus Indexed]
16. June, 2023: ‘A Thorough Assessment on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) Based Wireless Communication: Challenges and Interpretation’, International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Smart System (ICSCSS-2023). Published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. July, 2023., DOI: 10.1109/ICSCSS57650.2023.10169766. [Scopus Indexed, Presented and Published], 1st Author.
17. March, 2023: ‘A Scientometric Study of Research Development on Cloud Computing Based Data Management Technique’, 4th Doctoral Symposium on Computational Intelligence (DOSCI-2023). Awarded as Best Paper. Published in Springer Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNN Series), Volume-726, Page: 617-625. [Scopus Indexed]., 1st Author.
18. March, 2022: ‘A Systematic Analysis of Research Trends on Network Control System in Wireless Sensor Network’, 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS-2022). Published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library,Vol-1,,Doi: 10.1109/ICACCS54159.2022.9785236.[ Scopus Indexed, Presented and Published], 1st Author.
19. November, 2022: ‘A Comprehensive Analysis on Issues and Challenges of Wireless Sensor Network Communication in Commercial Applications’, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS) Published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Link:, DOI: 10.1109/ICCCIS56430.2022 , [ Scopus Indexed, Presented and Published], 1st Author.
20. October, 2021: ‘A Survey on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Enabled Techniques in Digital Marketing Field’, International Conference on Advancement in Computation and Computer Technologies (ICACCT), 2021. Published in AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol-2555,,, [Scopus Indexed, Presented and Published]. 1st Author.
21. February, 2022: ‘Emerging Research Trends in Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network’. 5th International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communication (ICICC) –2022. Published in Springer Lecture Notes on Network and Systems (LNNS) Series E-Book. Link: [Scopus Indexed, Published]. 1st Author.
22. February, 2019:’ Convolutional Neural Networks based multi-object recognition from a RGB image’, IEEE 2019 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE) at CUET, Bangladesh. Published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library DOI: 978-1-5386-9111-3/19. Link:,[Scopus Indexed, Presented and Published], 2nd Author.
23. September, 2023: Book: ‘Digital Shadows-Unmasking the Cyber Conspiracy’; Editor, Published by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur, India, Book Editor.